Become comfortable touching your eye.
You can do this by:
A trained technician will work one-on-one to show you how to properly care for the contacts, to insert and remove contact lenses from your eyes, and to answer any other questions that you may have. Please understand that this is a learning process and will take a lot of practice and patience. Your session will be 30 minutes. It is perfectly okay if you don’t get the lenses in during the scheduled time. We will work with you to practice and try our very best to make sure that you can effectively and correctly put the contacts in and out. Once the contacts are put in and removed properly, we will check the fit of the contact lenses to make sure that they are the best fit for your eyes. You will get to take some contacts home to practice inserting and removing the contacts.In 7-14 days, you will follow up with the doctor to ensure the contacts are working well for you before you order a supply. The follow up is included in your contact lens service fee.
You can call our office at 203-557-8426 and we will gladly assist you.
1.Wash, rinse and dry your hands thoroughly.
2. Place contact lenses in basket and rinse for 5 seconds with solution.
3. Fill the contact lens case to the line with Clear Care solution.
4. Tighten the lid. Keep container upright and let your lenses soak for at least 6 hours.
Each new purchase of CLEAR CARE® Solution comes with a special lens case that must be used in order for CLEAR CARE® Solution to work properly. The platinum-coated disc is essential to proper neutralization. It converts peroxide into gentle saline solution after 6 hours. Make sure to alway discard your old case.